Monday, March 2, 2009


We got hit with another last hurrah of snow last night. The weather reports changed all day yesterday as to the timing of this storm, and truth be told, I was really expecting it to turn to rain. As I drove to a wedding shower yesterday, I saw some boys playing basketball with no jackets on and I'm thinking, "Snow? Today??" Naaaaahhhh. Well, snow it did. But not quite the dier foot of it that was possible. I don't mind it. Yes, I was looking forward to spring weather and looking for shoots of bulbs popping up through the ground. But I also appreciate the change of seasons that the Lord provides for me. We go through so many different kinds of seasons in our lives. We have seasons of friendships, some lasting only a day or so at an event, some lasting a couple of years until one of them moves away, and some that withstand time and distance to carry us through a lifetime together. We have seasons of trials. Where the Lord carries us through the difficulties of life. Seasons of proserity. Seasons of creativity. Seasons of solitute. Seasons of great spiritual growth. And seasons of the desert, walking seemingly alone. But we are never alone. The Lord promises believers that He will never leave us or forsake us. So when my little fella woke me up at 6 am, a little early for this lady, I went downstairs, enjoying that early morning strangely cast light, and looked outside. He has given us one more snow this season. Such beautiful white beauty. White as snow.
Take time today to give thanks to the Lord for such awsome beauty. Imagine. Such pure brightness coming down from the sky. Spring will come soon enough. In its season.
May the Lord richly bless your day,

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